Just Wallet warns Public about Cryptos Security Risks for Months

Mar 7, 2025

Events 2 minutes read

Dear valued members of the Just Wallet community, We want to take this opportunity to address the recent occurrence at Silvergate Bank and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). We understand that news like this can be concerning, but we want to assure you that our team has been closely monitoring the situation and ensuring that your funds remain safe and secure with us. At Just Wallet, we believe in building a platform that is based on solid principles and is responsible in its actions. We have worked tirelessly to develop a product that is both innovative and trustworthy. We understand the importance of building a platform that not only meets the needs of our users but also considers the well-being of the industry as a whole. While many companies rushed to launch unregistered and unregulated products, we remained committed to developing a platform that would stand the test of time. We understood that it would have been easy to make billions without a deep understanding of the industry and its potential impact on the public. However, we stayed true to our values and continued to work on developing a product that would truly benefit our users. We want to emphasize that Just Wallet has not been exposed to FTX, Luna, or SVB Bank, and we have not raised money from any VC that is exposed to them. We believe that this is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in developing a platform that is not only innovative but also responsible. We are also proud to say that our founder, Hamilton Cheong, a certified crypto and blockchain investigator, has consistently warned the public of the dangers associated with USDC, USDT, and BUSD. We believe that this further highlights our commitment to educating ourselves and our users about the industry and its potential impact. As you can see, stablecoins like USDC, USDT, and BUSD have been depegging, and it is unfortunate that billions of dollars of people's money are now gone. As a founder, the hardest part of trying to assist the world is that no matter how much you try to assist, it's challenging to be taken seriously, especially without venture capital. After close to 7 years of research and closed beta testing, we are finally ready to bring the world the financial product they deserve and need. We have faced many challenges along the way, but our commitment to building a platform that considers the well-being of the industry as a whole and is responsible in its actions has never wavered. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you with the best financial service possible. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the years to come. Sincerely, The Just Wallet Team

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